Original Medicare - Part B
(Taken from Medicare.gov Website)
Part A
What is covered?
• Hospital
• Skilled Nursing Facility
• Hospice
• Home Health Services
For more info on Part A

Part B
For more info on Part B
What is covered?
ER and Outpatient professional services, such as those provided by a doctor or non-physician professional
Clinical lab service
Durable medical equipment
Preventive services
Other medical services

What is NOT covered by Medicare Part A or B?
Below is a list of things that are not typically covered by either Part A or Part B
Long Term Care
Routine dental care/dentures
Cosmetic surgery
Custodial Care
Healthcare while traveling outside the US-exceptions apply
Hearing aids
Orthopedic shoes (with limited exceptions)
Outpatient prescription drugs (this is covered under Part D)
Routine foot care
Routine eye care and glasses
Some screening tests and labs
Vaccines, except as previously listed (those not covered under Part B
are covered under Part D) -
Syringes and insulin unless used with an insulin pump (this is covered
under Part D)
For example, Medicare does not cover routine screening tests for thyroid dysfunction or eye examinations for purposes of prescribing eyeglasses. However, Medicare may pay for eye exams that are part of the diabetes services benefit, a glaucoma test, or for macular degeneration.